Mariella Cassar - Professional Astrologer

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About Astrology and MeMariella Cassar Zodiac Horoscope

Jyotisa Pandita and Jaimini Scholar
Western and Vedic Astrology Consultations

I am a professional astrologer and have also trained in counselling within astrology. I combine my knowledge of modern and traditional western astrology with vedic astrology in my consultations. I have an international client base and usually work with clients on Skype.

Qualified Western Astrologer

I studied with the Faculty of Astrological Studies to learn the modern psychological approach to astrology and obtained both the Certificate and the Faculty Diploma. Subsquently, I took a post-graduate 2 year course of studies with the Faculty to train as a counselling astrologer and I use a transpersonal psychology approach in my consultations. I have also studied medieval astrology and hellenic astrology.

Qualified Vedic Astrologer

In 1996, I became interested in Vedic Astrology and met with many Indian astrologers. In 2001, it was my good fortune to meet Pandit Sanjay Rath, one of the great astrologers of Inda and studied with him visiting India most years. I completed a 5 year course in the study of the Jaimini Sutras and qualifed as a Jaimini Scholar. Following this, I undertook a further 5 year course in the study of the classical text Brihat Parasa Hora Shastra and qualified as a Jyotisa Pandita. I have taught astrology for many years and currently I am mentoring students in Pandit Rath's Parasara Jyotisa Course.

Membership in Astrological Organisations

I am a Fellow and past treasurer of the Association of Professional Astrologers International (APAI) and a Member of the British Association of Vedic Astrologers (BAVA). I have served on the Council of the Astrological Association (AA) and as well as serving on the Council, was also a tutor with the Faculty of Astrological Studies (FAS). I have given talks at the Astrological Lodge of London as well as at BAVA.

Other Interests

I practice yoga and meditation and I hold weekend seminars to introduce beginners to yoga, meditation and the spiritual philosophy of my Master, Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji. My spiritual discipline is fundamental to my astrology practice.

I am very interested in alternative health and healing. I have completed a two year course in nutrition and have also studied spiritual healing, homeopathy and herbalism as well as tarot cards. While these studies have been of personal benefit to me over the years, I am not a licenced practitioner and do not offer any services in these complementary therapies nor do I include tarot readings in my astrological work.

Prior to taking up a career in astrology, I worked in the City for 15 years as a Member of the London Stock Exchange. I am a Fellow of the Chartered Institute for Securites and Investments and a Member of the Society of Technical Analysts.

My Personal Philosophy

I should like to tell you a little about my personal philosophy. I believe we reap what we sow and our birth chart gives an accurate picture of the karmic consequences of our actions in our past life. The word karma merely means action and is used to describe the reactions to previous actions which are stored in the mind. We have no choice in the circumstances of our birth and our natal chart describes our destiny at the time of birth. However, due to the exercise of free will, the reactions to our previous actions are continually changing as our thoughts, words and deeds change during our lifetime. If we think and act negatively we reinforce negative karmic patterns but if we think and act positively with love then we can counteract negativity and experience joy in life.